I'm taking time away to dream, I'm taking time out to clean up my room, and when I clean up, my room will gleam, because dreams aren't as unreal as they seem. - Arthur Russell

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Soup 101

Hello, I am Professor Soup. Here at the University of Blunder Hunds, I specialize in teaching dogs how to behave.

This is a photo of me presenting to you, my University

Here I am showing Radar how to walk sweetly on a leash.

Here we go......

After walks, I teach him how to relax.

Radar is an exceptional student. Now, I must admit, my success rate is low. There are four Blunder Hunds currently studying under me, 3 of which have no ability to retain the wisdom I am teaching. Below is an example of what I am talking about.

They are totally out of control. My University is not for every dog. If you are not willing to learn, Frank, there is no need to apply. Thank you and Good Day.

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